7/4/96 - T+3 - Independence Day!
It's been a fine day here in wonderful Vermont. I've been able to go sight seeing and
swimming at the same time. It has rained on and off all day today, and when it comes down,
it really comes down! I got up this
bright and early at 9:00, hey, that's early for me and I'm on vacation so I don't want to
hear it. Anyway, as I was saying, this morning began with a trip to the Mecca of ice
cream. I'm talking about the equivalent of heaven it's self, for ice cream lovers. Yes
that's right! Ben and Jerry's!
Right up the road a piece sits a fairly plain looking factory. Well if you call having
circus tents out front plain looking, then this qualifies as plain. As you drive up on it,
the only thing that tells you that something is different is probably the sign that says
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. That and the line of cars waiting to get in and the parking lot
girls wearing tie died tee shirts.
The plant sits up on a hill, almost like a shrine. The light seems to emanate from it,
light up the darkness all around. Opps, sorry, that was the
movie on HBO last night. Anyway, once you arrive the atmosphere is almost
circus like. There is face painting and games for the children, tours for the adults, gift
shops for the people back home, and you guessed it, ice cream for all!
All in all it made a great stop. I went through the factory tour, tasted a few flavors,
and even enjoyed the sun breaking through after a shower. I recommend this as a must see
stop for anyone in this area. Now, just so you don't think that I only came here for the
ice cream, it was also educational. Did you know that there have been over 7.5 million
pounds of cookie dough used in their ice cream? That's enough to bake a cookie the size of
Rhode Island!
From Ben and Jerry's it was on down the road
to Johnson Vermont. This is a quaint little town just past Stowe. It has many shops
offering products from Vermont. I've never seen that much maple syrup in one place before
in my life. It made for a wonderful afternoon. They even had a Ben and Jerry's seconds
store. I was afraid to ask what was wrong with the ice cream. I didn't want to spoil my
enjoying it, hehehehe.
After Johnson it was back to the base camp here in Montpelier. Sancho had stayed behind
to scout out the area while I was out on the adventure. He was able to find the only movie
theater with in 50 miles. As I said, Montpelier is not a real big place. Tonight's
entertainment was Strip Tease starring Demi Moore. Boy was going to the movies in Vermont
an experience. The only theater in town has four screens and each one holds at least 50
people, Wow! All four movies start at the same time so the lines for tickets and popcorn
are terrible. But that's OK, they don't start the movie until everyone is served. Down
right hospitable of them. The 9:00 movie started at 9:18 tonight. I didn't mind, I was
near the end of the line.
Tomorrow will start bright an early, we will be sallying forth southward to Glen Cove
New York. There's rumors of Johnny Walker Blue and Cuban coronas there and they must be
checked out. Just the type of job for a knight of the old code. I will ride forth and
protect the local citizenry from these evils. I only pray that my courage and strength
will seem me through this battle. I expect to be locked into battle with this evil dragon
by Saturday afternoon. Only your thoughts and prayers can help me now. Tomorrow afternoon
I will reprovision Rozinante and spend my final evening kneeling at the alter of Changing
Times. Where all the brave knights go to seek wisdom and strength.
I sign off as your ever vigilant guardian, a knight of the old code.