Hi, Welcome to the Hunt Family's presence on the web. We would like to think of this as an extension of our home. I guess you could think of it as our electronic home. Please come in, sit down and make yourself comfortable. If there is anything that we can do to make your stay more pleasurable, please let us know. Family ProfileThe primary branch of the Hunt Family presented here is that of Bernard Louis Hunt of Garden City, New York. While this site is managed by this branch of these Hunts, it is open to all who proudly carry the Hunt name, both through blood and through marriage. If you are a Hunt and are interested in adding to this site, please contact the Web Master directly for more information. Disclaimer InformationFederally Mandated WarningThis site is not approved for perusal by the whimsically challenged. Suitable protective headgear is advised (a smile works well.) Environmental Certification
Contact InformationIf you would like to contact us directly with any feedback or requests about this site, please feel free to use any of these contact points.
Send mail to
feedback@huntfamily.com with questions or comments about this web site.